About the Library + Community Rules

About the Member’s Library

The original Member’s Library started as a collection of all my downloads (ebooks, guides, etc) that I’d create for my individual blog posts. Eventually it just became too much to handle so I created a password-protected area of my blog that housed them.

It was pretty, and it was semi-functional (well, sometimes. Other times, I forgot to update URLs if I moved to a new site host)

But I just felt like there should be more to it. What’s the point of bringing you to a site to just download shit and leave? Wouldn’t it be better if there was a community of like-minded entrepreneurs that lifted you up and helped you get to the next level?

That’s where this iteration of the Member’s Library comes into play. I wanted a space for adding new shiny objects/downloads easily that gave me the chance to bring you all together in one spot. I also

Look at the Library now! It’s become so much bigger than I could’ve ever anticipated, and I am so thankful for you being here.


The Member’s Library is meant to be a resource for everyone looking to grow their business, and all are welcome!

There are a few rules we should address first, though:

  1. Don’t be a jerk – We’re all here to learn and connect. Being a jerk could get your membership revoked. We consider “jerk” to be 5 reports from members about your behavior.
  2. Tix are fun – but please don’t abuse the system by skirting the work that needs to be done to earn Tix. Admins reserve the right to deduct Tix at any time from any member.
  3. All downloads were made by Megan for you – but please don’t share them or try to sell them as your own. It’s a violation of our Terms and can get you kicked out + a letter from the lawyer.
  4. We always want you to stay – but understand if things don’t work out. You have the right to cancel your membership at any time.
  5. Recommendations become property of the Member’s Library/Meve Media unless otherwise stated.
  6. These rules will probably change as I’m writing them on the fly to create this page!

The full Terms and Conditions are here.